Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Today and The Day After...

Today: I laugh at myself.

I have a sudden urge to dust off my abandoned Bible and with no clue where to go, or more accurately what to look for, I turn to the back of the book to find some direction.

Thankful that no one is around I flip the pages back to the front of the Bible, embarrassed by the fact that I've just checked the back of the Bible for an index.

I sigh, laugh, and blush (as best as my chocolate skin knows how) and finally face the reality; the truth unscripted, my life: as I've come to prioritize the first last and the last first.

The truth is:

I honestly haven't held the lightly weighted and simply titled book since my last appearance in Church: April 12th, 2009 and haven't read it before than: since...well...N/A.

Searching for air, I open the book again.

This time to a randomly selected entry. I open up to a name that resonates in my mind, but in the same instance not in my memory.


I skim the 54th passage and their it is, what I was unconsciously but curiously searching for:

"For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed..."

Now I don't know what this passage means to everyone, and I wont attempt to fully decipher it to the point where its unrecognizable or to generalize it and deem myself as a prominent Theologist.

But to this very's telling me not to lose myself in troubling times, in times of despair or more often in times of neglect. To keep kindness and peace in my mind and love in my heart. To actually forgive and forget. To stay original, real, unique and true to myself.


Tomorrow: I will still laugh, and my eyes will smile as well.

My heart will walk in front of me and not lag behind. My mind will stay at ease although I combat clear, troubling, signs. And the depth of my love will grow even deeper and help to free my mind.

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